HQ Population:
Time Stamp:
Rooms Visited:
Population (Low, Medium or high):
Amount of attention you got (Low, Medium or High):
How you felt the session went?:
Name - Krisfo97
Rooms Visited: ClubNx, CoffeeHouse, tiny toes and welcome lounge
Population Low, Medium or high: Medium to High
Amount of attention you got Low, Medium or High: very low
How you felt the session went? i felt like it went to far down and nothing happened...
Name: monkeysbackside
Rooms Visited (e.g Clubnx & Coffee House): Coffee House, Welcome Lounge, Hallway 1, Hallway 2, Hallway 3.
Population Low, Medium or high: Medium
Amount of attention you got Low, Medium or High: Medium
How do you feel the session went? It was good. I got some attention some people seemed interested but they never went.
Name: Miranthezeza
Rooms visited: Clubnx, Training hallway, coffee house
Population was 73 so quite high
Amount of Attentention was low only 15 members heard me.
How do you feel the session went? It was okay, I could've improved myself by going to different places.
[EPF] Board of Directors
Director of Public Relations