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Everyone who has transferred or has given the rank of HR+ must train the HR. After training, you MUST post a new thread in the "High Rank Trainers" of the person you trained.

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'15 - '16 Voting Archive
2016 Award Ceremony Nominations
The link above will take you to the nominations for all the awards which were handed out during the 2016 Award Ceremony. It includes all the potential nominees to each award distributed that day, along with the final tally for each. 

Note: The links below will take you to the final tally for each election held between the years 2015 and 2016. For confidential reasons, the usernames of those who voted during each election will remain masked (Meaning you cannot find out who voted for who). Instead, the links will take you to the voting breakdown of each election.

2015 Presidential Elections Cblase vs. Jpn7k
The link above will take you to the final tally of the votes for the 2015 Presidential Elections.

2016 Presidential Elections Iamcool911 vs. Cruz585.
The link above will take you to the final tally of the votes for the 2016 Presidential Elections.

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