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Everyone who has transferred or has given the rank of HR+ must train the HR. After training, you MUST post a new thread in the "High Rank Trainers" of the person you trained.

Please only request your highest ranked group not all of them when requesting forum groups

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Red: - Indicates things of importance
Red and Bolded: - Note for Trainer
Blue and Bolded: - Important Topics
Orange: - Do not copy; this is the student's response

Hi! And Welcome to Law Training 101!

I will be your Trainer_____, I will teach you the basic rules of law and of the Courtroom.

Before we begin, please get a pen or pencil and paper for there will be a test afterwards.

Ready to begin? 

[Student Response]

Ok. We will start with the basic rules of Court and of Law.

1) No yelling, dancing, or use effects in the Courtroom.
2) Always look smart in the EPF HQ/Courtroom. 
You will be penalized if you abuse this privilege.
3) If you are found self promoting then there will be penalties to your actions.
4) If you would like to say something in the courtroom during a case, 
please wave and wait until the judge gets to you.


[Student Response]

Make sure you are writing this down.

Now We will start with how to hold or present a Law case.

1) Make sure you have proof (Screen shots would be the most valid as it 
provides us with a picture image of what actually happend.).
2) Make sure you have witnesses.
3) Make sure you have a judge and jury ready at any moment.
4) Make sure all witnesses, the judge and jury are present during case.


[Student Response]

Great! Now If you are in the jury or the judge then you have rules to follow too.

1) If you're chosen to be a part of the jury, you must be fair and unbiased during the Case. 
This is really important because as the jury, you have the power of the situation in your hands. 
You must put aside any personal feeling's and focus on the case at hand.

2) If you are chosen to be a part of the jury you must help the judge with the final decision (verdict).
The judge does not decide whether or not the defendant is guilty. 
You, as the jury do, but you must aid the judge and work together 
as both of your roles are crucial to the success of the case.

3) If you are chosen to be a judge you must also be fair and unbiased during the case.

4) Finally, if you are the judge you must take every little bit of information given and put it under consideration before making the Final Verdict.

There are legal terms that are commonly used in court; 
these are key terms that must be used at all times.

Verdict - A decision on a disputed issue in a civil or criminal case or an inquest
Plaintiff - A person who brings a case against another in a court of law.
Defendant - An individual, company, or institution sued or accused in a court of law


[Student Response]

Awesome! Now it's time for the test, I will test you on the rules of Law and of the courtroom.

*Note to the Trainer 
the Law Trainee must 8 rules correct to pass, and all 3 terms correct

Q1: What are all 4 basic rules?
Q2: What are 2 presenting Law case rules?
Q3: What is 1 Jury rule?
Q4: What is 1 Judge rule?
Q5: What are 3 Legal terms?

If passed;

Congratulations! You have passed! Please make motto: 

[EPF] Court Bailiff Officer 3c [Your Tag]
ex. [EPF] Court Bailiff Officer 3c [D99]

If failed;
Sorry you didn't pass, please look over your notes and please try again.

Note: If they ask to try again, give them a second chance. 
If they do not pass again then tell the Trainee to try again next time.


REMINDER: Make sure the Law Trainee also requests the [EPF] Security AND Training forum, as well as the Training badge. 
Be sure to instruct them in Training!


Law Uniform:
Uniform for all must be professional.
Ashley [AK]

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[!] LAW TRAINING SCRIPT [!] - by Sircles - 07-29-2016, 10:04 PM

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