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+---- Thread: XXMEPHALISX2'S SUPERVISION LOG (/showthread.php?tid=883)

XXMEPHALISX2'S SUPERVISION LOG - xxmephalisxx2 - 01-10-2018

Name of Trainer: 

Name of Supervisor: xxmephalisxx2

Name of Recruit/s:

Trainer Performance:

Further Comments:

Name of Trainer: Glad-O-War

Name of Supervisor: xxmephalisxx2

Name of Recruit/s: BR-JO40

Trainer Performance: +1

Further Comments: Unfortunately BR-JO40 Didn't make it through training due to language complications but that didn't stop Glad-O-War from putting in 110% and trying his hardest to make him understand absolutely everything. Pacing was great and helped BR-JO40 as much as possible. Very well done!

RE: XXMEPHALISX2'S SUPERVISION LOG - xxmephalisxx2 - 01-15-2018

Name of Trainer: ?!-BEYONCE!?

Name of Supervisor: xxmephalisxx2

Name of Recruit/s: Piink_supreme / Zac481

Trainer Performance: +1

Further Comments: Zac481 left during the middle of training but that didn't stop ?!-BEYONCE-!? giving a great performance. Very good pacing and always made sure the recruit/s knew what they were doing. keep up the good work