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Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT)
Alliance Agreement: Policies and Terms
With Elite Police Force (EPF)

This document states the policies and terms that both Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) and Elite Police Force (EPF) have agreed upon in order to become an alliance. Both parties should ensure that the agreements below are withheld, as the breaking of these agreements could lead to the termination of the alliance. 

Alliance Policies
The following policies must not be edited to fit alliances’ needs under any circumstances.

  1. Both parties must be open with an active foundation team.
  2. Transfers between alliances must not be accepted (unless otherwise stated in Alliance Terms below).
  3. Both parties must not plan a sabotage or plot against the other. This includes raiding, trashing and poaching members.
  4. Both parties have the right to a National Punishment and it must be followed. If a party has a member from the other party’s National Punishment at their agency, a meeting should be held. If this is still unresolved after the meeting, the alliance may be terminated.
  5. Both parties must have an alliance badge or something similar, with the members who are accepted into these badges respecting the agencies rules and policies. The requirements on these badges must be agreed before the alliance is created and stated in the terms later on in this document. Both parties reserve the right to remove members from the badges at any time (unless it was paid for), but must let the other party know of changes in requirements to receive this badge.
  6. Both parties are required to have an external team who work with each other to improve communication flowing between the alliance and keep a good relationship with one another.
  7. Both parties have the right to modify alliance terms which are stated further on in this document (including the requirements for the alliance badges) at any time. When this is the case, a notice of three days should be given prior to the change with a meeting will be held to discuss the terms and a new alliance agreement will be made.
  8. Both parties have the right to terminate the alliance without question, and do not have to state reasons as to why this was done. However, a notice of a week must be given before the termination has taken place.

Alliance Terms
The following terms can be changed in order to meet alliance needs. Please see Alliance Policy VII (stated above) for more information about what to do when these are changed.
  1. Alliance badges
The alliance badges requirements are stated below.
SWAT’s Very Important Person badge: Members at EPF ranking between High Rank and
Senior Management.
SWAT’s Special Guest badge: Members at EPF ranking Owner+ and members in
External Affairs.
EPF’s Very Important Person badge: Members at SWAT ranking Intelligence+.
These badges must be worn at all times when visiting the other party’s base. If members are not respectful to the rules put in place at the agency they’re visiting, it could result in the removal of the badge.

Upon both parties signing this document, the alliance is official and both agencies have agreed to the policies and terms stated above. 

                           Nychthemera                                          iamcool911
                        SWAT’s Representative                                               EPF’s Representative
                                 Founder                                                       Director of EA

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