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This High Rank Training (HRT) Script is to be used by TM+ and THR while training new members into HR or new transfers into EPF. Please cover each topic as they are necessary for new High Ranks and transfers to know. If there are any mistakes, please let Sircles know. (This script has been made so that the Trainer can copy and paste it.)


Welcome to HR Training! Congrats on making it this far!
Or for new transfers:
Welcome to HR Training! We’re glad to have you in EPF!

You have shown the required characteristics that we look for when searching for new [EPF] Leaders.

You will learn the High Rank rules and responsibilities, as well as how to properly manage the HQ.

You must COMPLETELY understand these topics in order to grow and move up in the ranks.

We will also teach you how to prevent problems that may arise in the future.

Do you have any questions before we begin?


First, we will go over the important rules of being an HR+ member.
Failure to follow these may result in demotion, suspension or firing.

1. Do not abuse your authority - Just because you CAN boss people around doesn't mean you SHOULD.

2. Do not over promote - Each member needs to EARN their promotions.
   Make sure to talk to other members of HR+ before promoting.
   Promote ONLY one rank higher than their current rank and ALWAYS log it.

3. Do not disrespect any member of EPF - Regardless of their rank.
   This includes not swearing at someone or using inappropriate language toward them.

4. Do not avoid work - Do not pretend to AFK or BRB.
   Even if you don’t want to do a job, particularly Training. 

Any questions on the High Rank Rules?

Responsibilities of HR.

As an HR+, you are given responsibilities. These new responsibilities are mandatory.

1. You must watch over the HQ, if there is a problem it is your job to help find a solution.
    If you cannot solve it, get someone who can (like someone in the RR badge).

2. You must train recruits if there are no trainers around.
    If you do not have training script, make sure you have access to it on the forum.

3. You are required to fill FTF if empty and FTE is FTF is full.

4. You should be sure to promote standards.
   Don't over promote, but make sure you recognise good work. Again, log promotions.

Any questions about your responsibilities as HR?

HQ management.

Management of the HQ is important during everyday operations to keep it running smoothly.
These are the steps you must follow to achieve a smooth running HQ.

1. You must make sure that the gates at FTE are manned at all times.

Do you know the commands for FTE? 

If they do not, say:
Here are the commands for FTE:
:gate1 - This opens the outer gate to Lobby.
:gate2 - This opens the inner gate to EPF.
:Training - This sends recruits to FTB.
:Lobby - This ejects members without proper B/U/M and unwanted guests.
:VIP - This sends special visitors/allies to the VIP area. Make sure they hold the VIP badge.

2. If there isn’t a trainer available it is your responsibility to train them.
   We do not want to lose new members in EPF. Growth is important.

We also have policies that all HR+ members must follow and read through on the website:
Feel free to read over the policies on your own time, as they are important.
Please pay special attention to our Bullying Policy, as bullying is something
that we will not tolerate whatsoever.

HR Training Test

NOTE: Writing in blue are questions that are to be asked.

Tell me the rules for being an HR?
Must get 3 out of the 4 rules correct.

What are your new responsibilities?
They must get all responsibilities correct.

How are you to manage the HQ properly?
Must get all correct.

After Training:

NOTE: Do NOT promote those who pass. Do log that they have completed the HR Training.

1.If they miss 4 or less of rules/questions on the test, assist them on requesting High Rank on our forums and teach them how to log and find the Training Script. If they are a transfer and have not joined the forums yet, please assist with that, as well.

2. If they miss more than 4 of the rules/questions on the test, please retrain them or find someone else who can as soon as possible.